Copyrights © Mimi 2016Vestibulum | Sed vulputate
Working relationships with direct reports (reported by 77% of executives)
Working relationships with immediate supervisors (71%)
Organizational commitment (44%)
R.O.I -
Return on Investment in coaching was 7 times the initial investment, and over a quarter of coaching clients reported a stunning ROI of 10 to 49 times the cost.
Create win-
Shift perspective,
develop skills and receive guided support to interact with co-
Developing ability to assess, manage, empower and mentor others, Boosting employee motivation, engagement and retention
Perform Leadership, Excellence, High-
Aim for excellence of public and private sector’s service by unlocking the true leadership potential of the company and their employees and “go beyond” its limits.
One on one Executive coaching is the most effective way to develop and support extremely busy people in the top executive level. Performance and business objectives can be delivered in parallel with the personal growth and fulfilment of the individual. It is very appropriate for leaders where being lonely at the top is a common experience.
Performance improves when people receive honest and constructive feedback, appreciation, respect, encouragement and reward. Whether in the public or private sector, authoritarian styles of management are giving way to techniques that support and empower staff.
The benefits for the organization -
The benefits for the individual -
Why Corporate Coaching is more needed than ever?
Organizations that are not perform at their peak, find that over a long term, they are unable to compete. So, the new leaders hip organizations meet the following challenges: managing continuous change (equip individuals to adapt, learn quickly and master behaviour required to deal with continuous change); retaining top talents (55% of employees often think to quit or plan to quit their job; leading companies use coaching to ensure employee experience great satisfaction and fulfilment); working in collaborative networked organizations; building personal capability to match performance demands (encourage coaches to stretch beyond their perceived personal limits and provide feedback indispensable for skill mastery); empowering breakthrough results (encourage new approaches and challenge old assumptions, as well as facilitate creative thinking); delivering high quality products and services; reinforcing business practices.